Approved Curricula
Grade 9: Literature IAB (1.0 Credit)^
Grade 10: Literature IIAB (1.0 Credit)^
Grade 11: American Literature AB (1.0 Credit)^
Grade 12: Writing Workshop (0.5 Credit), Contemporary Literature (0.5 Credit)
Grade 9: Pre-Algebra (0.5 Credit) as needed, Algebra IAB (1.0 Credit)^Grade 10: Geometry AB (1.0 Credit)^Grade 11: Algebra IIAB (1.0 Credit)^Grade 12: Math Applications (0.5 Credit), Statistics (0.5 Credit), Financial Lifeskills (0.5 Credit), College Algebra (0.5 Credit).
Grade 9: General Science AB (1.0 Credit)Grade 10: Biology IAB (1.0 Credit)*Grade 11: Biology IIAB (1.0 Credit)Grade 12: Environment Science AB (1.0 Credit)
Social Studies:
Grade 10: Geography (0.5 Credit), World History (0.5 Credit)Grade 11: US History AB (1.0 Credit)Grade 12: Economics (0.5 Credit), Government (0.5 Credit)
Intro to Art (0.5 Credit), Advanced Art (0.5 Credit), Computer Applications (0.5 Credit), Culinary Arts ABC (1.5 Credits), Health (0.5 Credit), Lifeskills (0.5 Credit), Career Development (0.5 Credit), Workplace Communication (0.5 Credit), Office Aide (0.5 Credit), Work Study (up to 2.0 Credits), PE (0.5 Credit), Custodial Tech (0.5 Credit).We also offer a wide-range of elective courses through APEX online learning and dual enrollment at Northland Pioneer College.
Interventions:We offer Read 180 and Math 180 courses to help students who are below grade level in reading and math.
Grade levels are recommendations based upon Arizona College and Career Readiness Standards. As an alternative school, we allow students to take any course needed for graduation regardless of grade level. We also offer credit recovery options for students who qualify.